Madison Sommers, Awards Dinner & Study Away Update


Student Spotlight - Madison Sommers:

Madison is a senior from Rootstown, Ohio and set to graduate from Hiram in May with a degree in Biology and minor in Entrepreneurship. For fun, she helps coach a softball team in her hometown. 

Madison decided to minor in entrepreneurship because she wants to eventually own a large animal veterinary clinic. After graduating from Hiram, she plans to continue school at Stautzenberger College to become a licensed veterinary technician. 

The entrepreneurship courses have taught Madison critical thinking skills and helped her develop a mindset needed to achieve her goals. Madison also mentioned that minoring in entrepreneurship makes her feel comfortable in her ability to successfully run a business. 

Honors & Awards Dinner:

On April 25th, the Scarborough School of Business and Communication hosted a dinner to celebrate those who were honor students and/or received awards. There were three entrepreneurship minors who reviewed awards including Jaret Barclay, Camdyn Miller, and Tommy Rink. 

Jaret was the recipient of the Ronald W. and Thomas E. Lingafelter Memorial Endowed Scholarship. Camdyn was recognized as being outstanding in entrepreneurship and received the Excellence in Entrepreneurship Award. Lastly, Tommy was the winner of the Ferguson Award. Additionally, all the students were recognized as honorary students for their respected majors. 

Study Away Update:

This past week, the Entrepreneurship Study Away class has been busy visiting different areas across Northeast, Ohio that are important pieces to the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Some key visits included Shneller, Bounce, Davey Tree, JumpStart, LaunchHouse, Magnet, and the Youngstown Business Incubator. The class even took a trip to the Cleveland Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to see innovations in music. Next week, the class will be staying in Chapel Hill, North Carolina to explore their entrepreneurship ecosystem. 


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